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Pôžička je určená pre všetkých, a to bez … Jan 25, 2008 A classic Gold Award requires 500 coins and gives the recipient a week of Reddit Premium membership and 100 coins. Finally, the ultra rare Platinum Award costs 1800 coins, and gives the recipient with one month of Reddit Premium membership, which includes 700 coins for that month. You cannot buy Reddit karma even on Reddit premium or by Reddit coins. You get score when people upvote your posts or comments, and you lose karma when you are downvoted by the people. If a post or a comment receives enough downvotes, it disappears from the thread.
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You cannot buy Reddit karma even on Reddit premium or by Reddit coins. You get score when people upvote your posts or comments, and you lose karma when you are downvoted by the people. If a post or a comment receives enough downvotes, it disappears from the thread.
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A classic Gold Award requires 500 coins and gives the recipient a week of Reddit Premium membership and 100 coins. Apr 22, 2008 · r/coins: We welcome longtime collectors, as well as brand new ones and non-collectors. HOWEVER, NEW USERS ARE ASKED TO READ THE FAQ BEFORE POSTING … Sep 29, 2017 · r/coinpoker: Official CoinPoker subreddit. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Here is a summary I posted of all the points I can think of which have developed over the past year with Onecon (with a few revised edits). I wrote this to the guys who posted the supposed “expose” on BMLM – which really has little meaning or substance, anyway (OP: remove/ edit this post as you deem fit) MoneyTu pôžička je ideálnym riešením akútnych situácií, pretože ako prvá pôžička sa dá vybaviť kompletne celá online a peniaze máte na účte už do troch hodín.
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Dec 05, 2014
Po hotovosť nemusíte nikam chodiť, rýchle pôžičky vybavíte cez online formulár. Bezplatná žiadosť je samozrejmosťou. You cannot buy Reddit karma even on Reddit premium or by Reddit coins. You get score when people upvote your posts or comments, and you lose karma when you are downvoted by the people.
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